Hingham Nursery School
Interested in enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year? Contact us to schedule a tour!
Still accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year.
Visits and Tours
Tours are available while school is in session, Monday through Friday. Please call our office at 781-749-0029 to schedule a visit.
Application and Tuition
Enrollment is available for children who are aged 2 years, 9 months as of September 1 of the school year.
Once you've completed the Application Form, kindly mail the form, along with a check for the $75 application fee made out to Hingham Nursery School, to:
Hingham Nursery School
1101 Main Street
Hingham, MA 02043
For 2024-25 Enrollment:
Spots are still available! Please call the office at 781-749-0029 or email at officehns@comcast.net to inquire.
Tuition for 2025-2026
Preschool Programs (3 Year Olds)
Two AM Tuesday & Thursday (8:45-11:45) $4,380
Three AM Monday (8:45-12:45) Wednesday & Friday (8:45-11:45) $7,160
Four AM Monday & Wednesday (8:45-11:45) Tuesday & Thursday (8:45-12:45) $9,780
PreK Programs (4-5 Year Olds)
Four Days (Monday to Thursday, 8:30-1:30) $11,320
Five Days (Mon to Thurs, 8:30-1:30, Friday 8:30-11:30) $13,060
Extended Day Options available for PreK students, extending day until 2:30 on Wednesdays.
Tuition will be billed quarterly with the first payment due July 15.
Important Dates and FAQs
When are applications due?
Applications are due January 31, 2025. Families will be notified of placement on February 3, 2025. Applications submitted after the deadline will be placed in a class based on availability.
How is the lottery conducted?
For each age group, students will be placed in a lottery and given their class placement based on their listed preferences. Returning students are placed at the front of the lottery. A waiting list will be established as names are drawn, which will be used in the event that the first, second or third choice becomes available. Children already enrolled will have preference if a class space opens up.
When are contracts and deposits due?
Enrollment contracts and $500 deposits are due February 13, 2025 to secure your spot for the fall.